
Yes, as a matter of fact, he is.

A genius. My husband, that is.

Rubik's Cube

Yep, as if I needed more proof, BN has spent a few days mastering the Rubik’s Cube. He’s got it all deconstructed and can solve it now, while hardly batting an eye. I mixed it up thoroughly for him and he walked me through his solution. The general concepts made sense, but I just can’t hold long strings of sequential images or spacial positions in my head for long enough to ever be able to do this myself. It’s still like magic to watch.

I learned from BN that if you repeat any sequence of moves enough times you will end up with the same configuration that you had at the start. That makes sense, right? (What’s shown in the image on the left is part way through an experiment with this – don’t worry, I mixed it up a lot better than that to challenge BN!) But, the magical part that I still can’t get my brain around is how you change one of those little cubes, move it and rotate it just the way you want, while all the other ones go back to their original positions.

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