
Things I really hope don’t come back into style…

Ugly Denim…specifically, things from the 80’s. The buzz is that the 80’s are coming back in fashion, in a big way. I’m a little apprehensive about this, having been a pre-teen in the late 80’s, just starting to look around and notice styles and care a bit more about how I looked. I think some of these bleed over into the early 90’s when I was in junior high and I hope they don’t come back either:

Pegged pants. Also those ridiculous zipper-with-bow contraptions at the ankles…

“Paper-bag waist.” this only looks good on tiny children, like 3 or 4 years old. Proof of this is the model in the photo above – she’s obviously very tall and slender but those pants make her look, well, like she’s wearing a bag!

Shoulder pads!

Acid-wash denim: I think this looks very ugly, even in moderation. But especially on top as well as bottom – picture this: parachute-style jeans, with a jean jacket featuring shoulder pads. Both acidly loud. It’s like static you can wear.

Big hair – long, poofy perm with huge spiked-up bangs. Remember those girls who had like a peacock-fan thing on their head? What were they thinking?

Florescent colors

Puffy sleeves

I’m somewhat opposed to jumpers, jumpsuits, and overalls. I think overalls look kind of cool in some cases (not shortalls, though, see photo above), but they were not a good fashion choice for me, who looked childish enough in my teens without wearing OshKosh.

Here are some things I don’t mind:

Leg warmers… but not those puffy “slouch socks”

Colored tights… maybe even leggings, but NO stirrup pants and only under something that covers the derriere. I have to admit I loved that long-sweater-over-leggings look when I was 12. And now I love tights in colors and even patterns such as stripes – I wore my blue and white tie-dye tights just this past Sunday.

Scrunchies! But no side ponytails.

And I just have to say, I absolutely adored jelly shoes and jelly bracelets. I don’t think I would wear them much if they came back in style (and I have seen them around once in a while) but I’m so glad they were in while I was a little girly-girl.

Oh, and one thing that’s back and I’m happy about, but I haven’t gotten around to wearing, are long dangly earrings. I loved dangly earrings because I could make them myself so easily. I made them out of beads, “Friendly Plastic” – honk if you remember that! and even small toys like those thread-wrapped worry dolls. aw, yeah, ha-ha!


  1. Alright girlfriend, I wore side ponytails. A lot. So there! 😉 I adored those jelly bracelets too…I wanted to wear a lot of those fashions you mentioned but I never did because my mom wouldn’t hear of it and I was too chicken to ask.

    I heart colored tights. I have you to thank for that! Love, me

  2. Oh, I definitely wore side ponytails, too. with double scrunchie power. I just don’t want to revisit that part of my life… seems like it’s not good to do something quite that assymetrical to your head. upsets the balance of the brain…

    I, too, *wanted* to wear the fashions, and I, too, was too chicken to take it up with my non-approving mother. (though I did wear jeans with the zipper/bow. and proud of it.) I *never* wanted the spiked bangs.

  3. Yeah, I’ve seen the writing on the wall. Darn those shoulder pads, though – do we really have to go through those again?

  4. Yeah, because they put shoulder pads in everything – like sweaters and t-shirts. Then people would wear layered shoulder pads, and they would slide down towards the back, and yuck! they just looked bad. I’m having flashbacks. I had a mock-turtleneck short-sleeved striped t-shirt with shoulder pads and I thought I was so cool. But I actually have fairly broad shoulders naturally so I don’t think I would ever “need” shoulder pads in any garmet except maybe a really structured dressy blazer or something…

  5. Okay, so while you girls are having flash-backs I’m having hot flashes. What a difference a generation makes. The 80’s styles are not even in my memory banks because they are such a tiny piece of my adult life, but I can really see how they would be emblazoned in your memory because they came during your time of beginning to be “fashionable”. KT, I love to hear about the particular items of clothing you remember. because I remember you wearing them. You were so cute in those pegged pants with the ankle bows! Honk, I do remember some things!

  6. hi KT!
    pegged pants or skinny leg jeans as I call them are back in style. And the are so UGLY! my friend has a pair. yuck! Happy Holidays!

  7. Yeah, for all my disparaging, I did wear all of the trends I mentioned, except the crazy bangs, even the shortalls! Made me look like such a child. Ah, memories.

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