

I’m all registered! On July 4th (yikes, less than a month away) I’m planning to attempt my first 10K run. My only uncertainty is the first half mile – it’s a steep uphill and I’m not sure I’ll be able to run 5.7 more miles after that. I live at the top of the actual hill, so I get plenty of opportunities to practice, anytime I walk or run anywhere from my house I have to go up it to get home. I’ve been running up, and then running 2+ miles afterwards, and I’ve run 5 (level) continuous miles several weekends in a row now. So hopefully those two training regimens will be enough to prepare me for the race. My goal is to finish, running!


  1. Go Girl! I did it in my thirties, so I know you can. Dad and I just got back from our anniversary trip to Monterey, We had a fantastic time. All is well with the gang. Love, Mom

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