
What to Eat on Market Day


Today was the first day of the Saturday Market. Although I like to take my bike, I drove today because we are experiencing winter-like weather here – in the 40’s and very temperamental in the rain and wind department. (At least we didn’t have pea-sized hail like we did yesterday.) But the sun was out for my stroll through the produce stands. I got beets, carrots, radishes, a leek, green onions, rhubarb, and mesclun mixed greens. That is the majority of items available – the staples at this time of year. For tonight’s dinner I roasted the beets and carrots, by just tossing them with a bit of olive oil and salt, and about 20 minutes in a 400° oven. I made my standby chicken with garlic and lemon, placing the chicken and roasted veggies (plus some cherry tomatoes I got from Trader Joe’s earlier this week) on a bed of mesclun and then I drizzled the whole thing with the wine sauce from the chicken. If your market has artisan bread from local bakeries like ours does, that makes a nice appetizer with olive oil and vinegar. A glass of white wine won’t go amiss here, either. Here’s to Spring!

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