
Birthday Blessings

I had such a nice birthday! On Saturday, I got a packet of birthday cards & trinkets from my mom and sisters. That evening, BN took me out to dinner and gave me a pair of earrings I had picked out from my friend Esther Lee, a jewelry designer. The charms I selected are Peruvian opal, they are a bright aqua blue, semi-opaque. E gave me some additional charms when I saw her at church the next day so now I am well started on my collection.


On Sunday afternoon, I got phone calls from my sister GC, my brother JP, and I talked for more than an hour with my sister SS. Then my friend CO came over and brought me a Christmas Cactus. We went on a walk around the neighborhood and checked out the beautiful fall leaves. In the evening our friends the K’s took us out for pizza and gave me a cool blank journal that closes with a magnet. Right after we got home my grandparents called and sang happy birthday to me.

One thing I like about Facebook is it helps with remembering people’s birthdays. I got lots of well-wishes there. On Tuesday at our Bible study I got more birthday love – TR gave me a card and a potted chrysanthemum and JM made apple crisp in my honor.

I feel so blessed by all the people who gave me birthday wishes, cards, and gifts. Thanks everyone!


  1. I’m so glad you had a happy birthday. I was wondering what your day was like, and I am so unused to the blog thing, I didn’t think to “read all about it” here! I’m realizing I need to catch up on your news. Love, Mom

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